Why settle for less? Go big with a 12 foot artificial Christmas tree!

Christmas time has a different meaning for everyone. For some, this is the time to show their love of their religion, other people feel like this is a time for love and peace to reign throughout the world. Between the giving of gifts to those you hold dear, whether this is religious or not, Christmas is truly about giving to others and showing your love. Therefore, it makes sense that you would want your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees to show peace and love in the décor that you use.

Just how can you do this? Here are a few tips!

1. What color brings peace to your mind? For those who want to show peace, they will find that white is the color to use. This does not mean that you can only hang white bulb ornaments on your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees, you can go with a variety of hues of white to really integrate this all together.

2. Hang a few doves on the tree…as this is a sign of peace and tranquillity in most cultures.

3. Show love by hanging heirloom ornaments on these 12 foot artificial Christmas trees. This has the added bonus of being something that can strike up a conversation with those who see these ornaments.

4. Use your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees to depict your religious beliefs. Many people often hang items that make them think of the birth of Jesus Christ to showcase peace and love. Stars are often used to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem.

The idea of peace and love on your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees is going to be a deeply personal theme. So, there is no right or wrong when going with this theme. The key is to do what makes you feel peace and love.