Why Green Artificial Christmas Trees are an Amazing Choice This Holiday Season At the point when Christmas rolls around, there is a ton of stress that accompanies this occasion. We see all these pictures and movies that show everyone having a grand time surrounding their green artificial Christmas trees, with food spread across their tables that look like something served […]
Getting Through The Season With Green Artificial Christmas Trees
3 Tips For Hanging Glass Ornaments
Glass ornaments are beautiful in their own right. While there are tons of materials that make ornaments that you can hang onto your tree, glass ornaments tend to give your tree a more homey feeling. It could be because glass ornaments were some of the first ornaments that were on the market, or it could be the artistry that goes […]
Tricks for picking a perfect theme for your Christmas decoration
If you want to decorate your house for the holidays, it can be a daunting task. There are so many different types of Christmas decorations out there, and they all look so good. But how do you decide which one to pick? And what do you do if you want something that’s not in your local store? Well, we’ve got […]
Expert tips for getting great pictures around your Christmas tree
Setting the Stage: Prepping Your Christmas Tree for a Perfect Shot The Christmas tree is a common sight for many households during the holidays. It’s a time-honored tradition, but also provides the opportunity to showcase your decorating skills and make your home feel festive for the season. While beautiful to look at, capturing photos of your tree can be challenging […]
How to Repurpose Your Artificial Christmas Tree
Your 6-foot artificial Christmas tree has seen its days, and you replaced it with a new one. But what should you do with the old one as disposing of that enormous tree is a concern? Well, we have some excellent news to prevent your faux tree from landing in landfills and becoming a hazard to the environment. Repurpose Your Old […]
12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees That Show Peace and Love
Why settle for less? Go big with a 12 foot artificial Christmas tree! Christmas time has a different meaning for everyone. For some, this is the time to show their love of their religion, other people feel like this is a time for love and peace to reign throughout the world. Between the giving of gifts to those you hold […]
12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Inspiration From The Zoo
Why Go to the Zoo When You Can Bring It Home with 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees? When was the last time that you went to the zoo? What were your favorite exhibits that you saw? For those who love animals and the zoo, then let this be the inspiration for your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees. It may sound […]
Trimming 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees in Traditional Colors
The beauty of 12 foot artificial Christmas trees can be seen even when these trees are bare with no ornaments. Due to their size, they are definitely a dominant show in your home. However, for those who are looking to go with a more traditional theme this year, they are going to find that trimming this tree in traditional colors […]